Нашата кухня е лакто-вегетарианска и съобразена с принципите на древната индийска мъдрост Аюрведа. Всички ястия са с добре балансирани съставки и подправки, наситени с любов и светли мисли. Приготвяме твоята храна на момента, на жив огън и без микровълнова.


Авокадо | веган
Свежа зелена салата с парченца авокадо, домат и слънчоглед в лимонов дресинг.
300 гр / 17,50 лв

Киноа Тахини | веган
Киноа с ароматна рукола, маслини, парченца домат, краставица и свежи пиперки в сусамов дресинг.
300 гр / 16,50 лв

Конопена салата | веган
Свежа зелена салата, червени пиперки, парчета домат и конопено семе в горчичен дресинг.
350 гр / 15,50 лв

Гоби Пачади | веган
Една неочаквана зелева салата с кокос, фъстъци и малко домат по древна рецепта.

350 гр / 12,50 лв

Темпе на салата | веган
Темпе от родопска леща, айсберг, свеж босилек и краставица с дре- синг веган майонеза и щипка лют червен пипер.
300 гр / 18,50 лв



Пълнозърнест хляб “Слънце Луна”
150 гр / 3,90 лв

Пълнозърнеста питка с маслини и сушени домати | веган
100 гр / 4,90 лв



Хумус | веган
Арабски пастет от нахут, сусамов тахан, лимон и зехтин.
200 гр / 14,00 лв

Пикантен Хумус | веган
От традиционния Хумус правим пикантен пастет с маслини.

200 гр / 14,50 лв

Палачинка с босилек и млечен пастет
Пълнозърнеста палачинка с пресен босилек и млечен пастет, украсена със свежи зеленчуци.
250 гр / 15,90 лв

Веда Таратор
Таратор от кисело мляко с краставички, морков, семена, копър и нигела (черен кимион).
300 гр / 7,90 лв




Пикантни елдени кюфтенца | може и веган
Мини-шницели от зелена и червена чушка, домат, краставица, тиквичка, нахут и един сос по избор.
350 гр / 17,50 лв

Зеленчукови кюфтенца | може и веган
Мини-шницели от зелена и червена чушка, домат, краставица, тиквичка, нахут и един сос по избор.
350 гр / 18,00 лв

Кюфтенца с киноа & сушен домат | веган
Сочни кюфтенца от киноа, сушен домат, зеле, нахут и един сос по избор. (съдържат глутен)
350 гр / 18,50 лв

млечен (съдържа млечни)
доматен (леко пикантенм съдържа синап) | веган
(съдържа синап)| веган



Паста Алфредо | веган
Фузили с чери домати, сос от кашу, пушен чай и свеж босилек.
300 гр / 19,00 лв

Паста Росо | веган
Фузили в доматен сос със зехтин, босилек, зелени маслини, кашкавал и пармезан (съдържа глутен, млечни).
300 гр / 19,50 лв

Пикантни Нудли с Тофу | веган
Нудли с Тофу, морковени жулиени, цветчета броколи и лентички червена чушка.
300 гр / 24,00 лв


Рагу от Сейтан и Киноа | веган
Препечени късчета Сейтан, гарнирани с киноа, мащерка, червени и зелени пиперки, лентички зеле и морковени жулиени. (съдържа глутен, соя)
300 гр / 21,00 лв

Нахут с Темпе | веган
Нахут с Темпе от родопска леща, тиквичка, морков, червена пиперка и свеж босилек.
350 гр / 21,50 лв

Сладко-кисело Тофу със зеленчуци | веган
Тофу с броколи, тиквичка, морков и пиперка в сладко-кисел сос. (съдържа соев сос, сусам)
300 гр / 23,50 лв

Басмати с Домати & Сейтан | веган
Басмати ориз със Сейтан, сушени домати, тиквички и доматен сос със свеж босилек.
300 гр / 24,00 лв

Къри Зеленчуци | веган
Брюкселски зелчици, карфиол, морков и чери домати във веган къри сос от кашу и пушен чай от планината Лапу.
350 гр / 21,50 лв



Традиционни индийски бонбони от масло, нахутено брашно, канела, кардамом, кокос, захар и ядки.
2 бр. / 4,80 лв

Шоколадови трюфели
веган / без захар / сурови
Бонбони от какао, кашу, орехи, фурми, кокосово масло и агаве
2 бр. / 4,80 лв

Чили бонбони
|веган |без захар |сурови
Приятно люти бонбони от
сушени смокини, бадеми,
фурми, агаве и кокос със чили.
2 бр. / 4,80 лв

|веган |без захар |сурови
Два бонбона от лимони, кайсии,
кашу, кокос и агаве
2 бр. / 4,80 лв


(всеки ден има различни торти)
 9,80 лв

Веда Сникерс |без млечни |без глутен |без захар
Шоколадово-фъстъчен бар, който съдържа: овесени ядки, агаве,
фъстъчено масло, фурми, печени фъстъци, черен шоколад, хималайска сол.
5,80 лв

Дубайски шоколад

Млечен шоколад с пистачо крем и хрупкави парченца кадаиф.
7,70 лв

(всеки ден има различни прясно изпечени кексове)
5,80 лв

(всеки ден има различни прясно изпечени курабийки)
3,80 лв



Нашият сладолед е приготвен тук на място от
истинска сметана, чай, подправки, плодове и ядки. (съдържа мляко)

Сладолед от източна магия,
сметана и сусамов тахан.

Рожков с лешници
Сладолед от рожков и сметана с
цели лешници

Чили Шоколад
Сладолед от какао,
сметана и чили

Ванилов с кокос
Сладолед от ванилия, сметана и
кокосови стърготини

Карамел с фъстъци
Сладолед от карамелизира-на
захар, печени фъстъци
и сметана.

Сладолед от индийски чай с
масала подправки и сметана.

Сладолед от японски зелен чай и

Горски плодове
Сладолед от сушени горски
плодове и сметана.

Сладолед от манго и сметана.



10:30 - 22:30



София, ул. Гладстон 2
(до ъгъла с бул. Христо Ботев)


0882 108 108



Другите за нас:

Veda House
Based on 1250 reviews
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Sava Shishenkov
Sava Shishenkov
17:38 15 Dec 21
It's alright. Basically it's been the same for about 10 years now and that is exactly the issue. Otherwise - it's fine. Vegan and vegetarian, tastes good, nothing fancy about the interior. Prices are a bit on the higher side for what it offers now, but in no way a serious overprice.
ana arnaut
ana arnaut
12:22 21 Nov 21
We visited today this place to drink tea in quite atmosphere.. near our table was sitting a company and it was super noisy.. We asked our waitress Maria to assist and she did nothing… as well she was super rude in general. Even it was my favorite tea place would not come again
Ralitsa Pavlova
Ralitsa Pavlova
18:30 22 Oct 21
What a nice place! Variety of tea and amazing food. Loved it! And also the personnel was super friendly and explained and advised us what to take. Highly recommended if you are in the area.
Christian Boehmer
Christian Boehmer
23:08 27 Sep 21
The food is very tasteful and would get 5 Stars. Sadly the portions, as well the food as for the tea, are for babies or dwars. 3 Main dishes equals one normal main dish in other restaurants. Also the ice machine is quite annoying in the dining area. So: if you're looking for some food inspiration and want an snack they are great. But if your hungry better go to another place.
Roman Shevchuk
Roman Shevchuk
17:29 19 Sep 21
Delicious food and very polite staff. Great place to open a couple of chakras, connect to cosmic energy and drink some tea.
Noam Frenkel
Noam Frenkel
16:29 03 Aug 21
Moments of peace in the heart of the city. Excellent ice creams. Lovely service.
Marina Cholakova
Marina Cholakova
12:44 03 Jul 21
One of the top tea houses in Sofia. Great atmosphere, great choice of tea, awesome menu. Recommended.
Lilian Staneva
Lilian Staneva
06:31 18 Jun 21
Amazing place with great vibe and positive staff. The food was excellent and the tea selection is unbelievable.
Todor Paounov
Todor Paounov
19:25 24 May 21
Good food and a wide selection of tea. Sadly the service is always slow but that's OK since time passes differently with a nice cup of tea and some good company. There is an upstairs seating with comfy cushions.
עירית כץ
עירית כץ
08:36 08 May 21
One of the best gems of Sofia. Great food, great staff, fantastic tea. Must visit!
06:54 04 May 21
Cosy tea place with delicious food in oriental-ish style. The tea is a must. I recommend it for the calmness and the positive service ?
Anton Kalashnikov
Anton Kalashnikov
06:46 14 Mar 21
Big selection of teas, tasty main courses and salads (I specifically tried beet root salad - 5/5, Russian salad - 4/5, and potato curry - 4/5). Overall it's a very good experience. You cannot pay with a card there, unfortunately. The service was quick and polite.
Kristina Prokopova
Kristina Prokopova
18:04 11 Mar 21
Tea house with a very cozy atmosphere, great & very tasty vegetarian cuisine and a huge amount of different kind of tea!If you're a tea lover, I highly recommend that place! ?❤️
Sanran Gulsen
Sanran Gulsen
20:22 09 Mar 21
Seitan tastes like lamb. Awesome food. My favourite in Sofia. It's sad they don't sell beer.
Мартин Ганев
Мартин Ганев
10:36 03 Mar 21
One of the best tea shops in sofia. The staff is also very nice and helpful.
fayçal achbar
fayçal achbar
15:48 29 Nov 20
The place is chill and beautiful the food also very large menu and tea was great if I can add something it was with the personals they were so nice just when u order something it they forgot lol so be ready to ask twice ? one of the coolest place I visit in Sofia
Ralitsa Stankova
Ralitsa Stankova
20:28 25 Nov 20
Really cozy setting. The food was awesome and delicious, so was the tea. The staff were welcoming and sweet. Highly recommend the place!
Anna Yotova
Anna Yotova
10:05 10 Nov 20
The best tea place I have ever been. I love them ❤️
Yoana Lalkovska
Yoana Lalkovska
17:00 29 Oct 20
Amazing place, love the staff, the tea selection is marvelous. 11/10 would recommend
Bingle Chingus
Bingle Chingus
07:54 17 Oct 20
The tea selection is wonderful, it's very unlikely for you to find tea you don't like. The prices are slightly higher than other places I've been to, but still worth. Staff is very sweet. They serve mostly vegan and vegetarian dishes with an Indian twist. At summer time their ice cream options are different and quite yummy. There is a small room that goes slightly beneath ground level and I always sit there. Visit this place for a wonderful and very chill and cozy experience.Would recommend 9/10
Manuel Mariscal
Manuel Mariscal
14:11 29 Sep 20
Looks tasty but cannot pay with credit card, the menu is different than right now (the prices are higher)
Maria Ilieva
Maria Ilieva
16:14 24 Sep 20
My absolute favorite place, great food, great drinks, vegan and reasonably-priced. Super cosy and atmospheric, and the staff is always extra nice. The music is soft and relaxing, it's an overall great place to work, hang out with friends or relax with one of the many books they've got!
Nikoleta Belcheva
Nikoleta Belcheva
07:10 18 Sep 20
Sorry, but food has no flavour, just not at all delicious.
A Google User
A Google User
20:23 11 Aug 20
Great atmosphere and great food. Tea selection and quality is a-ma-zing. Veda house quickly became one of my favorite places in Sofia.
Dimitar Bogdanski
Dimitar Bogdanski
11:15 03 Aug 20
Great atmosphere and great food. Tea selection and quality is a-ma-zing. Veda house quickly became one of my favorite places in Sofia.
Ани Вълева
Ани Вълева
20:49 03 Jul 20
I would recommend the pancake with basil! It might seem like a small weight in grammes, but, believe me, it is nutritious enough. The coconut bonbons weren’t bad either.
Dimitar Atanasov
Dimitar Atanasov
12:04 04 Mar 20
Great variety of teas. Indian meditative atmosphere. Tasty vegan and vegetarian dishes. Quiet and calm place but a bit over with typical indian candlesticks aromas.
Maria Ilieva
Maria Ilieva
12:15 02 Mar 20
An amazing quiet chill place where you can spend enormous amount of time. The staff is just wonderful, they are always there to answer all your questions. You can pick from almost 100.types of tea or if you're not a tea lover there are some refreshing drinks for everyone. One of the best places in Sofia.
hristo topov
hristo topov
10:35 16 Feb 20
Veda house is a realy nice place to eat or chat with friends if you are fan of yoga philosophy and vegetarian food. There you will find great variety of tea, tasty dishes and desserts all made in their kitchen. Home made icecream and raw bonbons could be delicious finish of your meal there. Straws are metal, tables are 2 types standard and low, and there are zones without shoes where you could sit on puffs or almost on the floor. It is a house with 2 floors made like a restaurant. There you could also buy tea, cups and so on for yourself or for a present.
Simona D
Simona D
07:24 15 Feb 20
The atmosphere is cozy, reminded us of Asia. The tea is great and there is a large variety! Food was okay. I think they could have done a better job. We had the vegetable "kufteta", Russian Salad and the cheesy potatoes. Not the best food I have had but the tea and the cozy tables/bean chairs made up for it.
Boyan Aleksandrov
Boyan Aleksandrov
18:42 25 Jan 20
Became one of my favourite place to spend 2, 4, or even 6+ hours drinking good tea and lying on comfortable cushions on the floor.
Amina ELMO
Amina ELMO
16:27 19 Jan 20
Charming & cosy place. An amazing tea selection. Very welcoming & smiling team.The food was super delicious! Good vegan options available!
Николай Вакареев
Николай Вакареев
21:47 10 Dec 19
I absolutely loved the place, amazing tea variety and delicious food inspired by the ancient Ayurvedic manuscripts. The staff was lovely and charming with wide smiles on their faces even in the intense typhoon of work they had!The atmosphere is beyond words. It immediately transports you to South-East Asia and at the same time it has little hidden Easter-eggs from different cultures and religions.Overall, a must see little piece of Paradise located in the center of Sofia, Bulgaria!!!
Hristo Yankov
Hristo Yankov
18:25 08 Dec 19
Great tea selection and kitchen. Very cosy. The service is good too. Highly recommend!
Key Zax
Key Zax
13:16 02 Dec 19
Beautiful place to have amice time over a cup of tea or have a healthy vegetarian dish. There is No shoes area, very cosy and comfy to relax and feel like you are at home:) Only downside is that the quality of tea is not evolving. That's why the service as a whole for me would be 4stars...
Wild Lovely World
Wild Lovely World
11:19 07 Oct 19
Food - excellent. Complete vegetarian and vegan options. I had the pasta Verde. Portion size was enough. Very tasty. Nice presentation. Came quickly. Cooked fresh.Service - staff very friendly. Can speak English. English menu available. If you sit upstairs, you need to ring the bell to get service. Can offer good recommendations and advice on the food and tea.Atmosphere - very cosy. Seating upstairs is without shoes, sitting on the floor, Turkish lamps, pillows. Seating downstairs is at tables, tiled floor. Calm and peacefully decorated.Tea - wide selection of tea. We had the Bulgarian sunrise tea. It was very good. Came in a small pot, enough for 1-1.5 cups each for 2 people.
Matthew Creron
Matthew Creron
14:02 04 Oct 19
It's doesn't look much on the outside, but don't be put off by this. It's very reasonably priced, they speak great English, and have a menu translated. The food was excellent, the best part of our experience was the array of tea's we got to have throughout the dinner. If your a veggie or just love a cosy place to eat this is a must see!
13:50 19 Sep 19
Was pleasantly surprised at how good the food and drinks were. They have gluten free options but also catered to make a dish with gluten without it for me. Also great for those following the FODMAP diet as they cook without garlic and onion. Great service also.
Ana Assuncao
Ana Assuncao
17:12 17 Sep 19
Nice tea house with vegan and vegetarian options. There is an outside area and staff is very friendly. I ate cheese potatoes and was really good. I also try reiki tea and it was really tasty. The service is fast and the area is clean.
Daniella Severinova
Daniella Severinova
17:51 06 Sep 19
Very spacial place. Incredible food and tasty. Different varieties of tea. You should try their lemonades. And the chocolate truffles are speechless. There are without sugar. Just taste them. Mmmmmmmm...........
miriam laffi
miriam laffi
06:56 15 Jul 19
Beautiful and peaceful place to have breakfast lunch and dinner! Far from the city noise. You can have vegetarian or vegan food. Food was delicious, fresh and the price is affordable! Thanks Veda House!
Simona Besozzi
Simona Besozzi
11:08 30 May 19
A very lovely and peaceful place where to taste excellent vegetarian/vegan food and an interesting range of teas. Very nice staff. You can relax and pamper yourself while visiting the city.
Victor Parrilla
Victor Parrilla
12:34 04 May 19
Very nice food in a tiny and cozy place. We shared some different dishes and we liked every of them. It's great to find veg options when you are travelling.
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